Category: Policies

  • Legal

    Your first monthly bill may contain prorated charges, depending on when your initial installation was performed. Documents

  • Open Internet Policy

    NKTelco delivers the open internet. NKTelco is committed to keep your internet open by taking the following actions: What is Open Internet? Full Access We will not block any legal internet content, applications, or services based on their source or content. Full Speed We will not throttle or slow down any internet traffic based on its…

  • Lifeline

    Discounted Broadband/Phone for Qualifying Subscribers Lifeline Federal Lifeline discounts of up to $9.25 per month apply on a qualifying voice and/or broadband service.  One discount may be applied per household.  All of our voice services at NKTelco include unlimited local calling and subscribers may select the long-distance calling plan of their choice.  While we offer…

  • ISP Policy

    General Policy Statement: The following policies apply to mass market broadband Internet services offered by NKTelco. Customers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following policies which are deemed part of their Service Agreement. By using NKTelco’s Internet service, customer accepts and agrees to be bound by these policies. In doing so, customer further agrees…

  • Customer Rights & Responsibilities

    You, as a telephone customer, have many rights and responsibilities. Explanations of some of them are as follows: Informal Complaints If you have a problem with your telephone bill or service, contact New Knoxville Telephone Company first. You may call or send a letter to the company. The telephone number is 419-753-2457. The telephone number…

  • Acceptable Use Policy

    Acceptable Use Policy New Knoxville Telephone Company and its affiliates (collectively, “NKTelco”) have formulated this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in order to encourage the responsible use of NKTelco’s networks, systems, services, web sites and products (collectively, the “NKTelco Network and Services”) by our customers and other users of the NKTelco Network and Services (collectively, “Users”),…